Friday 8 July 2011

$100 upgrade no good after 7-16-11!

ReplyOld 07-06-2011, 08:02 AM Default Originally Posted by Redzebra View Post ........your ne2 credit does not expire, they stopped doing the program with ne2 credits just like annual upgrades but youre good to upgrade with that credit whenever youd likeWrong!

The announcements regarding the end of NE2 include that once you are in the timeframe when you can use your last NE2, you have 6 months to use it, otherwise it will expire. For example, I became eligible for my last NE2 in mid-May. But it will expire as of mid-November.

Answers to FAQs

New lines of service will no longer be enrolled in the New Every Two program. If you are currently enrolled, you may redeem your New Every Two benefit one more time for up to six months after fulfilling 20 months of your two-year term. __________________
VZW Bold 9650
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